
How To: Matsyasana

May 11, 2020

It is said that if you perform the fish pose in water you will be able to float like a fish. Yoga Journal

The thoracic spine is the most difficult part of the spine to bend.  That’s because the structure of your upper body has so much bone and tissue which needs to be considered in a back bend.  While the lumbar spine has only soft abdominal organs and muscles, the thoracic spine has the rib cage and the sternum to deal with when it needs to bend.  In the Matsyasana you are trying to bend the upper spine very deeply.  Therefore, the best approach to this asana is a very cautious one.

The benefits of Matsyasana include:

  • Expands the rib cage and enables better breathing.
  • Alleviates anxiety.
  • Helps to massage the abdominal organs.
  • Promotes better digestion.
  • Massages and stimulates the thyroid gland.
  • Fixes problems of the curvature of the back.


Be careful with this Matsyasana if you have a migraine or high blood pressure as this may aggravate the condition.  Also, if you have a serious neck or lower back injury then you may want to avoid this posture.  If your neck feels too tight and painful when you perform this asana, then use a pillow or a rolled up blanket under your neck.  Watch the video below for some tips.



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Medha Bhaskar:

Amrutha Bindu Yoga:

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