I had a 7 am class this morning and boy was it jam packed! I think the practice hall can accommodate about 25 people comfortably but we crammed in about 50 people. We were told to keep our mats right next to each other. To adjust and to understand. In life and on the mat.
My self practice was in the evening today and it was simply AMAAAAAAAZING!!!! I had been avoiding practicing back bends for a while. I’ve analysed why in my head several times, however will take reams and reams of blog posts to get into why. Anyways, what I really like about the self practice sessions here is that the students come and practice with unwavering dedication, even though there are no teachers to help out or to guide. I come across so many people who say that they need to join a class else they slack off. Until now I understood this as a lack of inspiration to work out, to dance, to practice yoga etc. However, when I look around at the self practice room and see people practicing intensely, I have a new found respect for those who maintain a regular fitness regime. For myself, yoga isn’t a fitness regime. I’ll risk sounding clichéd, but it’s like brushing my teeth. It sets the pace of my days, it makes me feel balanced, it helps me focus and express myself. Yoga simply defines my days.

Soup of the Day: Tomato and Carrot
Today also marks the momentous occasion of me buying my very first Iyengar yoga shorts. There is a local man here (a Mr. Vasanth), who along with his wife makes yoga shorts and tees and props too. I’m going to upload his contact details here so that all who are interested can contact him. They customize the shorts as well, so I’ve asked for plain black. Until then I will make do with the blue tie and dyed ones I chose from amongst the ones he had.
And finally my first weekend in Pune has arrived! Anuja and I are going out for a meal so that we can let our hair down and set the tone for the weekend. I have two complete days to work this exhaustion out of my system (maybe going out tonight isn’t in line with that goal…). Anyways, girls who work hard need to play hard too.
Also, we watched ‘Hush’ last night. Completely forgettable.
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