And the last pose for this series is, befittingly, the Goddess Pose. The Sanskrit word for this one is Utkata Konasana (I did have to look this up). Of all the hip openers in this series, this one is the most intense. The simultaneous movement of opening up the hips and sinking the hips down to the floor ensures that the stretch is deep and intense. Reaching up with the arms also helps in opening up the chest to enable better breathing.
- Great stretch for the hips and the groin.
- Strengthens the core.
- Holding for long periods will help in strengthening the legs
- Opens up the shoulders and chest and makes you feel like a Goddess.
- Helps in preparing the body for childbirth so can be done by pregnant women all the way to the end of the pregnancy.
Those of you with stiff ankles, hip and knee joints will face some discomfort when practicing this pose. My suggestion is to use blocks or roll up blankets and place them under your ankles. This will give you a stronger stance. Gradually you will be able to do this pose without the help of props.

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