RIMYI Experiences

5 Things I Wish I Had Known About Online Yoga Before the Corona Virus

June 10, 2020

In Lodhi Gardens, Delhi pre Covid 19. pc  Devashish Sharma

The Covid 19 has driven us all indoors, and our yoga online.  A few weeks into the lock down, my entire teaching schedule shifted online.

After a few weeks yoga teachers across the world realized that this may very well be the future of yoga.  Many senior teachers offering online classes & workshops.  With considerably more time at hand, I started attending some of these online yoga classes.  I even downloaded a few courses and the accompanying reading list.

As more and more yoga studios went virtual, Savitri from Saktiisha Yoga connected with me and soon I was on their virtual schedule.  I started inviting guest teachers to my class too.  So far we’ve had amazing yoga sessions with Medha Bhaskar and Susanne Mayer and look forward to many more.  I wish we’d discovered online yoga earlier!

Here are 5 Things I Wish I knew About Online Yoga Before the Corona Virus

  1.  It is absolutely possible to practice yoga with a teacher online.
  2. The teaching isn’t diluted on an online medium – in fact, it’s amplified.  Teachers teach from the comfort of their homes and this is evident in their demeanor.
  3. An online class will save you a lot of travel time.  That time can now be spent sipping some tea, meditating, catching up on reading, meal prepping etc.
  4. There are various online offerings  – from a touch base once a week to membership access to thousands of videos – you can find something that works for you.  I have registered for weekly live yoga classes & membership to the YogaBranches portal.  I’ve also explored Carrie Owerko’s plans.  In addition to this I attended a few online classes with Amrutha Bindu Yoga and a weekend workshop streamed to London by Raya UD.  In addition to this I’ve bought several David Garrigues courses for philosophy study.  I looked at OMStars too, and not to forget – I tried a few workouts with Cult.fit as well!
  5. Practicing in your rattiest and most comfortable pajamas beats pulling on a pair of yoga pants any day.


Have you jumped on to the online yoga bandwagon yet?

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  • Reply Ashima June 10, 2020 at 8:24 pm

    Yes on it before most ??

  • Reply Pankaj June 16, 2020 at 11:36 am

    I am enjoying yoga asanas with pragya. I don’t know something really clicked with online sessions of pragya. I am much regular in my daily yoga schedules. Thanks pragya.

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