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yoga in den haag


The LINgGAN Yoga & Lifestyle Studio, Den Haag

April 8, 2015

While in the Netherlands I had the opportunity to visit this quaint studio called LINgGAN Yoga & Lifestyle.  The studio was awesome.  I mean, how can you not like a studio which has such cute magnets? (I want!)


The best thing about my visit was talking to the owner of the place, Savitri Thissen Sattoe.  What started out as a little hello-how-are-you chat soon grew to become this extremely insightful conversation about yoga as a passion and what we can do with our passion so that it becomes more meaningful to us.  We chatted for a long long time, but there are some things that really stuck out in my mind which I think are valuable for a lot of people.  Even if you’re not an entrepreneur.

1.  Make sure you want to do this.  Because if you’re sure then you’re going to work hard.  If you work hard then you’ll taste a reasonable bit of success.  And then with consistent hard work you will be able to build a body of work you are proud of.

2.  Have a plan.  And go back to it every once in a while.  Because with time your plans can change.  When you find you are unable to meet your timelines then change the plan!  Be flexible!  There is no right or wrong plan.

3.  Network with people.  That’s the best way to learn.  Cooperate with others.  Collaborate with them.  Brainstorm with them.

4.  Be positive because you never know what lies right around the corner.

Oh and I forgot to mention, Savitri Thissen Sattoe is really cool.  She runs Yoga Teacher Trainings in Suriname and speaks Hindi also!!!


Food Travels

My Changing Food Habits

March 13, 2015
My favorite fruit - today and always.

My favorite fruit – today and always, and won’t change with my changing food habits.

I’ve been lazing around a lot lately, and thinking about my changing food habits.  Most days the only workout I get is a brisk hour long walk in the mornings.  And the speed also depends on whether we have burning issues to discuss or whether the topic of conversation is lukewarm.  The most memorable walk so far was the walk where we where our pace and the conversation was so invigorating that we realized we’d walked all the way to the supermarket (a considerable distance), and ended up picking up some things we needed.  Then we had coffee and walked back home.

Happy with my cup cakes!

Happy with my cupcakes!

I’ve been baking a lot as well.  My mousse au chocolat was a disaster.  But my cupcakes were quite good!  I’ve been exploring the food options here and being vigilant about my food choices as well.  This doesn’t mean that I’m denying myself or following some kind of diet (those who know me know that I don’t diet).  What it means is that I’m listening to my cravings because cravings are a great way for you to understand what your body lacks.  And when you are travelling then you need to be extra vigilant because the weather changes, the food changes, your mind set changes and your days change!


So here are a few observations about my changing food habits which i find interesting:

  • While my parents have their morning tea before our marathon walks, I prefer to
    My love for this will never change.

    My love for this will never change.

    down a couple of glasses of room temperature water.

  • I rarely feel like having a large dinner.  So usually I’ll have a bowl of home made soup.  And this is usually related to my level of activity.  So on Thursdays I’ll come home at 10 pm and eat after an intense AcroYoga session.  And I choose to eat after rather than before the session.
  • In the evenings I tend to reach for a fruit or juice or green tea rather than the chai my parents drink.

In India I remember I used to guzzle down loads and loads of water throughout the day.  I used to feel hungry more frequently and ate much much more.  However, even with this change, I still feel like I have loads of energy.

Do you also experience similar changes in diet/cravings when on vacation?

Nice things you see on your walks here.

Nice things you see on your walks here.

Posing during the morning walks.

Posing during the morning walks.

Posing during the morning walks.


I Discovered a New Mantra

March 11, 2015

My days in Den Haag are super relaxed.  My parents live in a quiet neighbourhood.  There are forests all around our house so we frequently go for little hikes and walk through the forests when we go grocery shopping.  When I arrived the winters were in full swing.  Days were shorter and there was frost on the trees in the morning.  The surface of the little lakes in the forest would be frozen.  The weather has started to get warmer.  But as I write this it looks like this outside:










When we woke up this morning everything was covered with a layer of frost.  In a couple of hours the frost disappeared and there was mist rising through the trees.  I’ve never seen this sort of thing before (at least not in real life), so I got really really really excited.

I’ve realized in the past few weeks that this is the first time since I went away to college that I’ve had so much time to spend with my parents.  That’s close to 15 years.  I’ve started to notice that there are many quirks we share despite living apart.  I’ve started to notice good as well as not so good character traits we share.  I’ve started to think a lot about the whole Nature vs Nurture debate.

Taking this time off has also helped me to appreciate things.  When we go for our daily walks through the forest I see lots of fallen trees.  And I see new shrubs growing all around them.  People carve animals out of the stumps and make picnic tables that can be used in the summer.  Similarly, life also has the ability to mould itself according to circumstances.



And I suppose that’s what life is all about.  It’s not about wishing for things to change or waiting for better times.  It’s about accepting what’s going on in life right now and working with what you’ve got.  So instead of lamenting the fact that it’s getting more and more difficult to chase the sunrise, my parents and I spend time taking photos and planning the big move back to India.

Another mantra for life.
