Pregnancy/Parenting Notes


April 24, 2024
Birth announcement.

She is Durga Maa
Born to avenge both Gods and mortals alike.

Born of Surya and Sanjana, the goddess of the clouds
And twin sister of learned sage and guru, Yama.
She is also Krishna’s beloved wife.

She is the shimmering Yamuna,
Whose waters turned dark when Shiva fell into them
in search of succor for his boundless grief.

Our Kalindi, born on the colorful festival of Holi
Heralding a new Spring in our lives.

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  • Reply Sowmya April 25, 2024 at 12:40 am

    Pictures please.

  • Reply Hari April 25, 2024 at 6:32 am

    Congratulations pragya … Wishing you and your family, days filled with happiness ahead

  • Reply My Birth Story - yogawithpragya May 5, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    […] a healthy baby is exactly what our wonderful team of doctors brought to us, and for that we are ever grateful.  […]

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