The rigors of a home yoga practice. ⠀
Messy hair, ⠀
sweat stained clothes. ⠀
A little music, ⠀
an old mat.⠀
Props strewn around. ⠀
A useless mirror.⠀

Enjoying the cold weather at @ Hauz Khas Village.
Happy New Year!!!!
I hope 2018 is amazing for all of us and brings us only the best in health, wealth and happiness. Actually, since wealth and happiness come from good health, I should ideally only wish that for you. In any case, this blog will help you with all aspects of your health.
I thought the first blog of the year should be one through which you can get to know me a bit better. A lot of new people subscribed in the last couple of months, and they might not know me too well. So below are a some random facts about me that will help you get to know me better.
1. I’ve lived in 6 different countries and visited three times that number so far in my life.
2. I’m actually a software engineer and even worked as one for 8 years.
3. As a kid I wanted to be Nancy Drew when I grew up.
4. I’ve been journaling extensively since second grade.
5. I never thought of myself as a cook. But as and when I started looking for healthy recipes I realized that my friends actually like the taste of my experiments and that I’m actually a very good cook.
And now for a bonus random fact about me:
6. Kolhapuri chappals and Birkenstocks are my favorite shoes. This completely irrelevant fact is probably very typical of a yogi.

A collage of pictures that hangs in my house in Delhi. Can you spot me?

The Lake as the sun comes up. Notice the little boat in the water.
I think just a little bit of effort towards health can ensure that we prevent most ailments. But what do you do if you get attacked by a virus in those rare moments of low immunity? I’ve already done a blog on what to do if you have Dengue fever.
My only concern after I started to feel better was my yoga practice. I spoke to a few friends who had experience with Dengue and realized that it will take me some more time to get my strength back. Until then I had to work with where I was and do what I could.
So I practiced a lot of patience. I took it easy and experimented in equal measure and made some progress. Here’s a snapshot of the week. I’m writing this after a delicious lunch of rice and kala channa; satisfied with how this week has been for my practice.
I started Tabata workouts on Monday. I didn’t expect myself to be able to do it, and I didn’t. I had to take breaks, but I didn’t give up. I wanted to focus on stretching my lower body so I did the Janu Sirsasana and Paschimottanasana. The Adhomukha Svanasana had my legs shaking and I decided to stick to the seated postures. Interesting enough, the Hanumanasana came to me!!! I took classes on Monday but rested for the rest of the day.

It’s difficult to get out of bed, but this view makes it worth it.
On Tuesday my legs and shoulders ached like never before. From the Ashtangis and the Kalari practitioners I learned the benefits of massaging sesame oil on achy muscles and creaky joints. Before I went to sleep I tried to rub the aches away, knowing full well that they would still be there tomorrow. I tried to do as much Tabata as I could and focused only on seated asanas. I ended with the Hanumanasana again. Any kind of inversion was out of the question.
Things started to improve on Wednesday. I felt stronger and decided to practice a few standing asanas. I did the Tadasana, Uttanasana, Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Virbhadra 2 and felt my energy levels flagging. I tried the Downward Dog and sure enough, my legs started shaking. I closed the practice.
However, by Friday I felt markedly stronger. I did standing poses and the seated ones after Tabata and felt energized instead of drained. I registered for the Go Heritage Run Srirangapatnam run and decided I would test my stamina over the weekend.
Saturday – did Tabata and headed to the lake to do a 5 km walk. Legs were a bit shaky, but overall I felt good. I also felt encouraged to head out for a 5km run at Cubbon Park with a friend.
Sunday(Today) – Tabata is becoming easier and the aches are almost gone. Did the 5 km with no problem. Very thrilled and determined to get all my strength, flexibility and asanas back!
Next week is to build strength for the Go Heritage Run and to experiment carefully with handstands. I’m also focusing on good wholesome meals since I have a tendency to be a bit lax about that. All in all, a great weak.
Hope you guys are having a great day too!

Waking up early isn’t just about the exercise, it’s about the serenity and beauty that you can see in nature.