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Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

The Best Pregnancy Advice I’ve Been Given

February 15, 2024
Looking forward to dancing with my teacher again.

With my beautiful (and wise) Mohiniyattam teacher, Dr. Honey Unnikrishnan. Looking forward to dancing again, I didn’t think I would miss it so much.


The pregnancies of social media are vastly different from the pregnancies of real life.  Pregnancies are about hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, dark circles, the ‘pregnancy mask’, vomit, illness, crippling back pain….the list is endless.  When a woman goes through this, she just wants to feel better.  In my first trimester I leaned into my friends’ sympathising looks, my husband’s proactiveness in taking over the running of the house, and my students’ understanding when I’d be a few minutes late to class.  The best pregnancy advice I’ve received also came to me during my first trimester.

My Mohiniyattam teacher, Dr. Honey Unnikrishnan, has been a pillar of support for me.  In this video I speak about how Honey was the first person who noticed a change in my body.  During one of our online dance sessions, she asked me why my feet were so heavy, was I tired?  I said perhaps I was about to get my period in a few days.  In a few days I was in Honey’s house cum dance school, and as many of you know, I feel implantation happened during those few days.

When I gave Honey the news she was ecstatic.  From then on she made a point coming home every time she was in Bangalore to spend some time with me.  She became an invaluable source of information, advice and wisdom.  She’s the one who gave me the best pregnancy advice I’ve received so far.

“Remember that this phase is just a part of you, and not 100% you,” she said one evening as we sipped cups of chamomile tea.

“You’ve done so much in life, remember your accomplishments, your achievements.  This is not the only thing that’s going to define you.  This is an important part, and certainly one of the priorities, but not the only priority.  So stay balanced and don’t forget yourself.  This is only a beautiful addition to you, not the complete you.”

The Worst Thing I’ve Heard During Pregnancy

I feel the worst thing a woman hears during pregnancy is, “think about your baby.”

I don’t think anyone can stop thinking about the baby (after all that’s what’s wreaking this havoc on our systems).  While pregnancy is a time of growth, newness, discovery, it is also a time of uncertainty.  Nothing you read or watch (certainly nothing you watch) can prepare you for the actual experience.  You’re hungry but too sick to eat.  Even drinking water is a challenge.  The fatigue is indescribable.  To tell a woman to focus on the baby is denying her experience and reality.

Some women are told to eat more than they ever have, because ‘you’re eating for two.’  Some are told not to exercise because of ‘their condition.’  Many are told not to go out or meet too many people because ‘nazar lag jayegi.’  As a culture we are focused on the unborn baby.  Once they are born babies naturally become the centre of everyone’s attention, most of all the mother’s.  But before that mothers deserve all our attention.

Like one of my friends said the other day, “Happy mothers, happy babies.”


Some happy mothers trying to get some fake candids.

Some genuinely happy mothers trying to get some fake candids.


Amita and I excited for our coffee date at Araku Coffee.

Amita and I excited for our coffee date. Coffee is so a pregnancy controversy. For a long time everyone has been cautioned against it. As for me, I couldn’t stand coffee in the first trimester, but that got better in the second and third trimester. You can certainly drink your coffee (in moderation) during pregnancy, could also be the best pregnancy advice I received.









Books Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

My Pregnancy Reading Collection

February 5, 2024

In a talk I gave the other day on my pregnancy journey, I was asked to recommend trusted sources of information.  My sources will always be books written by qualified experts.  In the last few months (my pre-pregnancy and pregnancy phase) I read a lot of academic and research articles, blogs and books.  I’ve complied a list of books that form my pregnancy reading collection (so far).

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Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

The Two Pregnancy Symptoms No One Tells You About

January 30, 2024
Photos from our Sakleshpur baby moon.

I’ve tried to document this pregnancy as much as possible. This is from a collection of photos we took on our baby moon to Sakleshpur.

Before I fell pregnant myself, pregnancy seemed pretty straight forward.  You get big, sometimes cranky and start to waddle around.  Some women glow, and some can’t stop eating.

While all the above is true, it is also only a superficial insight into pregnancy.  Pregnancy encompasses a whole gamut of experiences that no one really talks about.  For instance no one tells you ‘morning sickness’ is a misnomer, that it should actually be called ‘all day sickness’.  That you might not throw up, but you’ll feel like throwing up all the time.  Also that your digestion goes for a toss, regardless of what you eat/don’t eat.  Also that sometimes your skin might break out.  And also no one tells you about the constant fatigue, which in itself is fatiguing.  But there are two pregnancy symptoms that no one seems to be talking about…

Two Pregnancy Symptoms No One Tells You About

1. Gingivitis

One night I did a double take and blanched at what I saw in the sink – I had just spit out dark pink toothpaste froth.  I looked at my gums and couldn’t believe that blood could ooze out of your gums like that.  Painless yet frightening.  I recalled reading a little about this in ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting‘, but couldn’t remember what it said I should do.  I sent a frantic message to my friend and dentist Teena, whose calm response did nothing to alleviate my panic.  “It’s a normal pregnancy symptom Pragya.  Use your water flosser regularly and come in for a cleaning.”

Gingivitis can happen during any trimester and usually peaks during the third.  While the exact cause isn’t known, doctors speculate there could be several reasons for this.

  • Changes in hormones during pregnancy, specifically the increase in estrogen and progesterone.  While these hormones are important for the growth of the baby, they also cause gum inflammation.
  • Increased volume of blood in a woman’s body, leading to more blood flow to the gum.
  • In addition to this, eating more frequently leaves your mouth exposed to more bacteria than usual.


What To Do
  • Brush twice a day and floss daily.
  • Salt water rinses – this actually helps to keep oral bacteria in check.

I remember an entire week where I’d wonder when the bleeding would stop, and eventually it did stop.  So if you’re in the same boat, don’t worry too much about this, but make sure you’re maintaining as much oral hygiene as possible.  And schedule an appointment with your dentist asap.

2. Nose bleeds

Sneezing blood is not what great pregnancy stories are made of.  But many women, including me, have that unfortunate experience.

Nosebleeds happen because of the same reason that your gums bleed – there is so much more blood circulating through your system and hormones.  In addition to this:

  • Blood vessels in the nose are delicate and can rupture easily – leading to nosebleeds.
  • Hormonal changes can leave pregnant women susceptible to allergies and colds – and these increase changes of nose bleeds.
  • Dehydration can also cause nosebleeds.  During my first trimester drinking water made me nauseous and consequently my water intake reduced.


What To Do
  • Jal Neti to the rescue.  I found that jal neti also helped calm the dry, raw skin inside my nostrils that can happen because of the dry weather or allergies.
  • Use pregnancy-safe balms around your nose to relax constricted blood vessels.  This also lubricates the nostrils and eases the pain and discomfort.


Although nosebleeds are nothing to worry about, if it doesn’t stop then it’s a good idea to consult a doctor. Also if you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or feel dizzy and have problems breathing, then consult a doctor asap.

Besides these two pregnancy symptoms, there are so many others that women encounter.  No two pregnancies are the same, so the symptoms vary from person to person.  That said, there are so many things, such as PGP, which are just a game of hormones (as my yoga teacher likes to say), and you have to work on management rather than prevention.  Thus far I’ve relied on my intuition and a fair amount of research to make decisions for myself, which has worked for me.

As always reaching out to friends and family can give you the support you need for a healthy and rewarding pregnancy.  In case you have any questions about your experience, please leave a comment or email me on



Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

Why Practicing Yoga Isn’t the Same as Working Out for Fertility

January 18, 2024

In the last couple of months I’ve had conversations with many women who want to improve their hormonal health, and ask me about yoga for fertility and other tools that can help with that.  Amongst other things I’ve noticed that many women equate yoga to a ‘workout’ when it comes to their health.  Not only is this understanding incorrect, but it’s also misleading.  It makes women think they are doing all they can by way of physical movement, but it might be harming you more than helping you.

Don’t get me wrong, I love working out – I love running and barre class.  I’ve been working out consistently throughout my pregnancy, and making sure I get 10000 footsteps as often as I can.  But during my journey to conception I noticed a very different message coming through from my teachers and alternative healers.

They asked me to slow down and relax.  Calm down your system.  And to be honest, for me that conjured visions of a bunch of old people slouching on their meditation pillows and chanting.  I am more into mindfulness through movement – which is how I’ve carefully crafted my yoga practice over the years.

So when even my yoga teachers started putting me in lots of supine asanas, I started to wonder why the alternative healing community focused on slowing down, while the allopaths all wanted us to exercise and sweat it out.  How is yoga different from working out (and working out can be anything from swimming, to running to going to the gym, or a sport)?

Yoga vs Working Out

Practicing yoga for fertility was a journey of trial and error.

When I first started practicing yoga to boost my fertility, my teacher put me on an intense regime of 20-25 backbends a day.  And then one day she suddenly changed her approach – she kept me in supine asanas for almost half an hour.  This was a whole new world of yoga practice, and it was unsettling.

Soon I observed that I felt good post this slowed down (allegedly boring) slow yoga (sloga?).  It was palpable.  It was tangible.  I felt calm and balanced instead of stimulated and excited.

Which bring me to the first difference between yoga and exercise.

The change is internal, and you can feel it.

The parameters for a ‘good’ exercise session are usually external – that heady feeling post a quick run, bench pressing x amount, x footsteps in a day, and even the reduction of weight over a sustained period of time.  Yoga sessions designed with your internal chemistry in mind will initially not give you a heady rush.  The sense of well-being creeps up on you slowly, and sooner or later you’re bound to notice it.  The point is that this change originates from within you, but we keep looking for an outward confirmation.

But patience goes a long way – when this transformation finally happens (as it undoubtedly will), you will start to move and even glow differently.  Your connection with yourself will be stronger than ever.  This is what held me in good stead when I repeatedly denied ART methods of conception.

Works on your (fertility) hormones.

Everything we do has an impact on our hormonal health, either enhancing or harming it.  Even the face cream you use.

At unbalanced levels the cumulative stress on the body (physical, emotional etc) causes cortisol to be secreted.  The presence of cortisol for long periods of time makes our bodies think we are constantly in flight or fight mode.  This impacts your growth, digestion and reproductive system.

When we are not wired to see the benefit of stillness, we don’t know how much is too much exercise.  This pregnancy journey has taught me an appreciation for the balance that stillness and contemplation that only yoga can give.

Yoga changes your internal landscape.

A well-crafted yoga sequence is like an exquisitely baked cake – made by mixing together the perfect quantities of the finest ingredients, whipped and baked by the most talented culinary expert who artfully contours the icing with the most delicate strokes.

It cajoles and gently remonstrates your wayward glands effecting a change in your hormonal composition.  This is when and where the transformation begins.  The aftermath of my pregnancy yoga routine has been feelings of contentment, wholesomeness and even happiness.

Reduces stress.

Many of us have an erroneous understanding of how stress inhabits our system.  We believe stress to be temporary – often coming in the wake of tight deadlines or stifling family drama.  Stress is actually the physiological impact that results from such events, and its impact outlasts the event that caused it.  Much like pressure that builds up in a closed valve – the valve (your body) can take only a certain amount before it bursts.

Yoga slows down your body by first slowing down your mind.  Yoga for fertility encourages practitioners to spend a lot of time moving mindfully (and slowly) from one asana to another.  The movements become more intentional and mindful.  Soon this movement becomes the norm for the practitioner.

Instead of time being reduced to 30 second sprint intervals on a treadmill, a yogi’s body starts to expand to fill time and space.

Our approach to exercise is lop-sided.  The owner of a gym I used to teach in a few years ago advised me to design yoga routines that would have students crawling out of class in exhaustion.  According to him that was the key to a successful class.  Many of us believe that the more we sweat it out, the better it is for our body.  This mentality needs to change.  Slowing down enables us to explore bits and pieces of ourselves that require time and patience.  Once we shine a light on these ignored aspects of our Self – our entire being glows with a new understanding.  Going by what people have been telling me, this glow characterises my pregnancy.

That said, not all yoga classes focus on therapy – some are designed just to be a good sweat sesh (nothing wrong with that).  But if you are looking to amplify your fertility through yoga, then you need to look for an experienced teacher who can help you customise a routine that works for you.

I talk more about this in this video on YouTube.  Have a look.

A not so candid moment during our baby moon.

A not so candid moment during our baby moon.



Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

The Doctor Who Ghosted Me

January 7, 2024

As many of you know, I’ve been largely disappointed by the medical fraternity (the allopathic one, that is) for my pregnancy.  I speak about my experiences in this video.  During my search for a compassionate and credible doctor, I tried “famous” doctors.  The strangest doctor was The Doctor Who Ghosted Me.

I feel women should be vocal about their fertility issues because during my journey I found friends, friends of friends and even people on Instagram were more than happy to volunteer information and contacts.   Instagram is where I heard about The Doctor Who Ghosted Me  – a friend’s friend had shared a ‘he saved my life’ kind of posts and I quickly got in touch to find out more.  Feeling a renewed sense of hope, I booked an appointment.  It was gratifying to see the crowded waiting room at the hospital.  It meant the doctor was in high demand.

The Doctor Who Ghosted Me

He came across as open, friendly and even compassionate, a welcome change from the other doctors I’d met.  He was uncharacteristically laid-back about IVF, saying he believes it to be physically, emotionally and financially draining.  It was refreshing to meet a doctor who wasn’t aggressively selling IVF, and I appreciated this fresh approach.  But when I told him my history of yoga practice, he said he’d heard that yoga helps but since he’s never met anyone it has actually helped, he can’t comment on it.  When I told him I’d done a few acupuncture sessions he said acupuncture didn’t work for his debilitating backache.

Before he took out his prescription pad he seemed to think, and looked up once again.  “You’re sure you don’t want to try IVF, correct?” he asked.  I nodded and said, “Yes.”

He wrote prescription detailing the steps we can take for more clarity on what is happening.  “And this is it,” he said.  “You don’t have to come in to see me again. Scan your reports and email them to me.  I will respond within an hour.”  It seemed to good to be true.

The next month I mailed him my report and got prompt replies from him.  Things looked good and we would monitor another cycle.  Month 2 came around and I emailed him my reports as usual.

“Attached is my scan from today.  Apparently there’s a new submucosal fibroid that hadn’t been detected before,” I wrote to him. “Is it something to worry about?  What are my next steps?”

“We had planned three cycles right?” he wrote back.

“Yes, I meant does this new finding change how we will proceed.  In terms of medication etc.,” I wrote back.

I never heard back from him.


  1. Someone else’s personal experience doesn’t foreshadow yours.  This doctor worked well for the girl who recommended him to me.  Since he’s known for hysterectomies, I wasn’t his usual patient profile and therefore not lucrative enough for him.  This is a sad but real fact.
  2. A doctor who makes you feel bad about asking questions, or doesn’t answer your questions is not a good doctor.  Not all doctors are created equal and you owe it to yourself to find the best you can.
  3. From the numerous women I’ve met, I know that most women aren’t doing their research (because of overwhelm, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy and incompetence etc), and this needs to change.  As women we need to do our research.  Much of what we hear is opinion or myth and the more you research the more you’ll be able to separate myth from fact.  I read books and research papers and listened to podcasts about many of the queries I had.  This helped to ask the right questions.    This also empowered me to gauge whether a doctor would actually work with me or was only interested his/her bottom line.

In retrospect I feel that this doctor was probably uncomfortable with a woman who was was forthright, informed, confident about her decisions and had ownership of her body and mind.  Maybe it’s easier for men to ghost such women, than to hold a conversation as equals with them.

Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) – A (Literal) Pain in the Ass

January 2, 2024

Prior to actually falling pregnant I never really understood pregnancy back pain.  About three months into my pregnancy I started feeling an unfamiliar pain whenever I turned over in bed, or slid off the bolsters after cross-bolster setubandha sarvangasana.  Basically, whenever my weight was unevenly supported by my pelvis.  This kind of pain is common and is referred to as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) and also Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction (PSD).

About 2 in 5 women experience this pain, so it’s more common than we think.

This pain occurs in different areas of the pelvis, such as the groin, the buttocks (similar to sciatica), the thighs, the lower back, or the hips.  I sometimes even feel a clicking in my pelvic joints (even now, 6 months into the pregnancy).  But thankfully, I’ve been able to successfully manage the pain through regular yoga and conscious movement.




There are many causes for Pelvic Girdle Pain.  It can be related to previous injuries or even the natural structural build of a woman.  The weight of the growing baby also puts added strain on a woman’s pelvis, which can be a contributing factor.  Other factors are:

  1. The most common reason is the hormone relaxin which is released during pregnancy by the ovaries and the placenta.  This hormone loosens the muscles and ligaments and enable your pelvis to enlarge to let the baby to descend down and out of the vagina.  In short, relaxin makes labor and delivery easier.  The downside is that relaxin also affects other joints in the body, which are responsible for postural changes during pregnancy.  These can also lead to back pain, but can be managed with yoga therapy or the help of a good physiotherapist.
  2. An unstable pelvis.  This causes body weight to load one side of the body which puts repeated uneven stress on one side of the body.  This is why this pain can sometimes be felt after an active day.  If you’ve been able to identify what aggravates this pain, you should avoid it.  Ignoring the pain won’t help – the pain only gets worse.
  3. In some cases the position of the baby in-utero can also cause PGP.
  4. Weak core muscles.
  5. Tight muscles.
  6. Inflammation of the muscles and ligaments.


Yoga for PGP

Viparita Karani helps to relax and align the lower back. Make sure to use a bolster for extra comfort and width on the pelvis.

Viparita Karani helps to relax and align the lower back. Make sure to use a bolster for extra comfort and width for the pelvis.


Make sure to keep your legs wide to accommodate the growing belly.

Make sure to keep your legs wide to accommodate the growing belly.


You can give more support to your lower back using another bolster.

In the prenatal yoga classes I attended, my teacher taught me this variation – where you can give more support to your lower back using another bolster. It seems like a small and insignificant change – but on many days this variation felt extra soothing.


Widen your legs.

Widen your legs.


Supta padangushtasana B is wonderful to stabilise the pelvis.

Supta padangushtasana B is wonderful to stabilise the pelvis. Do it on both sides for about 2 minutes each, and don’t forget the bolster under the extended leg.  The height of the leg isn’t important – in fact, you might feel better if you reduce the angle between the legs.



  1. Early on I realised that demonstrating asanas in yoga class aggravated the pain because we often only demonstrate on one side.  Since then I’ve been very cautious about the kinds of asanas I demonstrate and often opt not to demonstrate at all, relying on oral instructions.
  2. I’ve moved two bolsters to my bedroom and now sleep with them between my knees.  (Also, it’s recommended to sleep on the left side, and I usually do this.)
  3. Although many women continue to lift heavy weights in the gym, or even lift and carry their toddlers or groceries – this puts uneven strain on your back.  Even for women who are used to heavy lifting – the added hormones and growing belly makes your back vulnerable.  For this reason I eliminated the tree pose and natrajasana from my practice.
  4. I also found that crossing my legs when sitting at my desk causes the pain, probably because of the uneven weight distribution.  So I consciously changed the way I sit.
  5. As much as possible sit in baddhakonasana, sukhasana or upavishta konasana with your back supported.
  6. During the prenatal yoga classes I attended, my teacher would remind me to not rush and move slowly, more consciously.  This really helps as it reduces the chances of something getting inadvertently tweaked.
  7. Icing reduces inflammation.
  8. Water based activities – like aqua yoga, aqua zumba, swimming or even just walking back and forth in the pool help a lot because it strengthens your muscles while supporting about 70% of your body weight.
  9. Rest it out.

Because there is no one reason for why this pain occurs, prevention is better than cure.  But, because pregnancy is also a game of hormones, it’s not always possible to prevent pelvic girdle pain, and you might need to just manage the symptoms.

Hope this helps!

Food Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

The Joys of Fenugreek

January 20, 2014

I guess we’ve come a full circle in terms of appreciating the health benefits of traditional Indian cooking and spices.  From mindlessly eating spicy food, to eschewing spice in favor of bland food to the present when we know that moderation is the key.  Lately we’ve started re-discovering the health benefits of the spices that we’ve been using and consuming for years.  One such spice is methi or fenugreek.

Some other spices I frequently use in my cooking.

Some other spices I frequently use in my cooking.

Five Reasons Why Methi/Fenugreek is Good for You

  1. Women need a lot of iron during their period, pregnancy and while they breastfeed. Including me
    this in your diet ensures thatyour body constantly has a ready supply of iron.  Chop up methi leaves and use it to make paranthas or chapattis or just make aloo-methi sabji.  Make sure that you cook it using tomatoes or potatoes to enable iron absorption.  Many people have reported that the aches and pains in their joints diminished after regular consumption of methi seeds/leaves.
  2. Methi helps to reduce cholesterol levels so is great for weight management.
  3. The potassium content of methi counteracts the effects of sodium in your body which helps in stabilising heart rate and blood pressure.  This can lower the risk of heart attacks.
  4. Methi is great for digestion.  It helps to flush out toxins from your system.  It’s great to cure indigestion and constipation.  Try this home remedy for smooth digestion: Leave some methi seeds overnight in a glass of water.  Drink the water the next morning.  Do this consistently for a week and notice the difference.
  5. Methi is great for skin and hair.  Try this:  Grind fresh methi leaves into a paste and use apply on your face.  Do this regularly and your skin will become more clear and supple.  Grind methi seeds and mix them in your mehendi (henna) paste.  This helps keep dandruff at bay and stops the thinning and falling of hair.

These are just a few of the numerous benefits of methi seeds.  If you incorporate methi in your diet, you’re bound to see many more benefits.

If you have any tips about how to use fenugreek seeds, leave me a comment!

Also if you’re interested in other Indian superfoods, here’s a book review I did of Indian Superfoods by Rujuta Diwekar.