RIMYI Experiences Yoga

The Boring Yoga Class I Didn’t Know I Needed

February 4, 2025
At Tipu Sultan's summer palace.

Most of my practice is accessible now. I miss taking yoga photos everywhere I go and am consciously trying to do it again. It used to be fun.

It was Ratha Saptami today, the day when yoga students and teachers honor the Sun god with (usually) 108 repetitions of the Surya Namaskar.  Lately my days have been a balancing act between motherhood duties (in the absence of a permanent nanny), work and a workout (perhaps a workin is in order).  However, I managed to put together a program to pay homage to the Sun God in the hopes that he continues to shine his benevolent light on us.

After the session, I was scheduled to attend my regular RIMYI class.  The Tuesday morning class was the only one that fit into my schedule.  TBH, I’m not too thrilled about it.  I’ve attended the teacher’s classes before, and have never been able to connect with her.  But I didn’t really have much of a choice so every Tuesday I find myself using every ounce of discipline I’ve cultivated over the years just to make it to savasana.  Today it was different though, today that boring yoga class was one I didn’t know I needed.


I know tons of people who’ve attended their fair sharing of ‘boring’ yoga classes.  But as a long time yoga student I’ve take pride in the belief that there is something to learn from every yoga class.  Which is why if I say a class is boring, then it must be, exceptionally so.

The Class

Today we spent an hour and 15 minutes doing cat cow and downward dog.  And a few insipid bird dogs.  At one point I was called out for not following directions (I might’ve zoned out).  Towards the end of class the teacher must’ve realised that her time was almost up and that’s when she started putting us through progressively deeper twists….

…And soon I began to feel something ‘unlocking’ in my sides.  The niggle I had in my lower back dissipated.  I’ve dealt with back pain on and off through the years.  Yoga has always kept my core strong, but pregnancy and postpartum take a toll on the body, making core recovery a slow process.

I expected myself to drift into a blissful, niggle-free savasana after this.  But I underestimated my mom-nerves.  My mind was busy, monkeying around. I expected a rush of reverence for the teacher and her teachings and was waiting for the good yoga vibes to flood my bloodstream.  None of this happened, much to my dismay.  Was I jaded, an old hag who’d lost her wonder and excitement for life?

So What Really Happened…?

…is what I’ve been mulling over for the entire day.  Ten years ago, I would’ve been ecstatic, eager to attend every class this teacher offered, optimistic she could heal my pain.  But today no such emotions were bursting forth…

Today I see that instead of bolting out of the class, I had the maturity and discipline to stay, and do what a student is supposed to do – their best.  Many times in the quest for the perfect experience we overlook meaningful experiences.  For years I’ve gone to class looking for meaning, not bliss, perfection or enlightenment. Today’s class was a lesson on my dedication, discipline, and the power of yogic twists to cure back pain. (Here’s a  quick n easy video I shot a few years ago that can help you tackle your back pain.)

Today also showed me that postpartum healing is more nuanced that a simple diet and exercise regime.  It is layered and rarely linear.

Most women focus on weight loss and the pre-pregnancy aesthetic postpartum.  To that end some of us end up over-exercising, going on crazy, unsustainable diets, while others sink into the abyss of depression.  But today I learned that in the journey to feeling and looking like yourself again there will be the hiccups of soreness, pain and even injury.  But for every run that I go on, I have to bring myself to a boring yoga class that I need to heal.  For every asana that fits itself into my mom bod once again, there has to be adequate hours of rest.  For every #xmonthspostpartum update, I have to keep a track of victories beyond the scale.

It’s not just about my old jeans (and God knows I miss them like crazy), but about feeling like myself again.

If you, like me, have given birth through Cesarean section, you might like this blog where I share four key things about exercising post a c-section.

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