For the past couple of weeks I’ve been practicing the headstand and decided to blog about the step by step procedure of how to do it.
1. Hold your hands out and grasp your upper arms with the opposite hands.
2. Next place your elbows on the floor making sure your arms make a straight line.
3. Leaving your elbows where you’ve placed them clasp your hands together in front of you so that your arms make an upside down V. This is your base. Focus on making it strong and steady.
4. Next place the crown of your head on the floor in front of your interlocked fingers. Ensure that the back of your head is supported by your hands.
5. Once you have your head stable on the floor, lift your knees up off of the floor so that your body now makes an upside down V. There should be no strain on your neck and shoulders. Your body weight should be divided equally between your arms and head. Then start walking your legs as close as possible to your face.
6. Once you’ve reached as far as you can walk practice kicking one leg in the air and get used to the feeling of staying in the air. Once you’re comfortable with having one leg up try using your core strength to hold both legs up. You will need to rely on the balance provided by your base and your core strength.
7. Slowly raise your legs up…
8. Once in the final position lots of thoughts go on in your head. Particularly that of, “Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m actually doing the headstand.” Remain calm and steady and focused.
Note: Come out of the Sirsasana slowly and with control. Lower your legs down first and then rest in Child’s Pose for a minute before you get up. Blood rushes to your head during the Sirsasana and you want it to slowly get up so that you don’t feel lightheaded and your body gets a chance to stabilize.
Leave me your questions!
The day I can do this, I think I will be able to see the effect of yoga for me !
Yoga is a gradual process and the entire process has many revelations for the practitioner
Is it safe to do without supervision?
Hi Praney,
ONLY if you are a yoga practitioner. Those who practice regularly would have seen their teachers and fellow students attempt this several times. That makes it easier. Those who practice yoga regularly are more aware and at ease in their bodies. Therefore more confident, and are able to save themselves if they lose balance etc. Those who do not practice yoga shouldn’t try this even under supervision. They should only practice this once they build a solid yoga practice spanning over a couple of months. Hope this helps!