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postpartum mom guilt

Postpartum Pregnancy/Parenting Notes

9 Things New Moms Should Stop Feeling Guilty About

June 28, 2024
Luxuriating in the water while my baby sleeps.

Pregnancy is often projected as a glow-y, rosy time.  Very little is written about postpartum.  Pregnancy is a time when everyone is extra careful and kind to the expectant mother.  This often changes very quickly post delivery.  For me it was as though within only a couple of hours reality changed beyond recognition.  Sudden it’s all about the baby, and as the mother you’re at the receiving end of unsolicited advice and stifling opinions.  With the fireworks of hormones that’s going on in your system, most women I know (including me), have found this time stressful and difficult, compounded by feelings of mom guilt.

The best advice I received when I was pregnant was to maintain balance.  To not let the baby consume everything, including me.

But new mom-guilt is real, and not something we can wish away easily.  But, there are certain things I feel we should stop feeling guilty about.

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