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online yoga


38 Things I’m Grateful For

December 7, 2020

A great way to do a roundup of the year is to think back on the year past.  And this year certainly forced us to think  a bit differently.

Without further ado – the 38 things I’m grateful for are:

  1. My work, interest and passion are the same.
  2. My strong immunity allowed me to overcome (what I think was) a bout with the dreaded Covid virus.
  3. Despite being a country teeming with people but low on resources, we came together to fight this pandemic beautifully.  The supermarkets were always well stocked, people were following social distancing protocols and we all felt supported by our people and our government.
  4. The pandemic gave rise to many an innovative solution!
  5. I missed attending a retreat and conducting one – but because we were all forced indoors, my practice and teaching grew by leaps and bounds.
  6. I was able to focus on my work with little distraction.
  7. Spent THREE weeks in Goa this year!!!
  8. While in lock down got to know my delightful neighbors and that made this year so much more bearable.
  9. The weekend parties and cookouts with my beautiful neighbors.  While many were cooped up in unhappy situations, we were living it up in our corner of the world.
  10. Saw quiet roads in a country which is teeming with people and traffic. I may never see this again.
  11. My friends and family are safe and sound.
  12. I have been able to build a life where I was safe in all ways during the pandemic, and could support those who depend upon me for their livelihoods.
  13. I read so much more during this pandemic (more than my Goodreads challenge).
  14. My creative juices were flowing!  There are so many new and exciting projects in the pipeline!
  15. I can cook and actually enjoy nourishing myself with food I whip up in my own kitchen!
  16. Won a National Yoga Championship, something I may never have been able to do if we weren’t in a pandemic.
  17. My Master’s studies weren’t hindered and I was able to stay on track with my exams and vivas.
  18. Made some long lasting friendships and bonds because of late night exam study sessions!
  19.  Completed an introductory Vedanta course (something I had always been curious about).
  20. I’ve owned a copy of the Bhagavad Gita for years, but this year I started studying it more deeply.
  21. I got to study with so many teachers who were inaccessible before, but available online now.  This helped me grow as a student and also gave me new perspective.
  22. I found many podcasts which are so incredibly interesting and also helped broaden my knowledge.
  23. I was a guest on a my dear friend Veganosaurus‘ podcast – my first time!
  24. My beautiful house was just the perfect for my online yoga sessions – the living room is big, clean, spacious and filled with natural light.
  25. I have a TV that hooks up to my laptop so that I can take online classes.  I’ve hardly ever used the TV, and now not a day goes by that I don’t use it!
  26. My boyfriend had an extra laptop (faster than mine) that I could use to conduct my classes.
  27. I saw a surge in students registering for my classes and it worked wonders in boosting my confidence as a teacher.
  28. Netflix and chill were the mainstays of my weekends.
  29. My latest tattoo is aesthetically and symbolically lovely!  A tattoo that even my tattoo artist said was special.
  30. I have proven to myself that I am self sufficient.
  31. The Artist’s Way kept me focused on slowing down and observing myself and my thoughts.
  32. I had a friend who did The Artist’s Way along with me and we paced each other well.
  33. I detoxed my bookshelves this year!  Analyse why you’re holding on to something and if that itself holds no good reason, then it’s easier to let go of things we thought we may never be able to let go of.
  34. The growth in my YouTube channel!
  35. Bought a beautiful bed that matches the rest of my furniture.
  36. Online shopping!!!
  37. My boyfriend proposed this year (exactly 2 days ago to be precise)!
  38. The love of my life and I finally decided THIS is it.

On the 20th floor of the Conrad Hotel, Bengaluru, looking at my city and my life with a new perspective.


I’m linking this blog to Corrine’s Gratitude list and also to Sunita’s Gratitude List.

Books Yoga

Beyond Asanas – My Book, My Words

August 21, 2019

Thank you @zzeehphotography and @makeupbyhennaanbaree for this amazing shot.

When I was writing ‘Beyond Asanas’ my aim was to write a book which would give readers insight into little known stories about the asanas. This is an aspect of yoga practice which is never emphasized, so most practitioners only understand the asanas superficially.

Little did I know that through the book I would come in direct contact with people near and far, known and unknown. People who would read my words and appreciate them. And then take the time out to give me feedback, and share my work with others. So many of you have reached out to me on social media and through other means to express your thoughts and emotions regarding my work. You have no idea what it means to me. ??????⠀

‘Beyond Asanas’ was published this year on June 21st. The publisher, Penguin Random House felt that would be the apt day to publish a book such as this. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. The beautiful photos have been shot by Joel Koechlin. The insightful foreword has been written by Kalki Koechlin.

Do get your copy now, and please don’t forget to share your feedback. It helps.

Buy on Amazon & Flipkart.

Available on Kindle too!

Books Yoga

29th Sept – 4th Aug

August 5, 2019

Three times a week I have a student coming home early morning. For an hour we work with all our props and what follows is a deep, delicious savasana.

The first post of the week was a snapshot of my hand balancing practice.  I’ve been trying to invert for many years now.  Some days it’s good, some days not so much.  But I do a certain amount of inversions daily.  I find using blocks for pincha mayurasana and a bolster for  adhomukha vrkshasana helps to activate, stimulate and access my core muscles.

On Wednesday, the 31st I had an amazing book talk hosted by Carrots Restaurant.  Carrots is my default go-to for such events because their food is amazing and the vibe of the place is just the right amount of holistic health meets real life people.  Geetanjali, a friend of mine since college, also attended and relegated us all with anecdotes of me from college.  She reminded me that I was a huge fan of the Khadi Bhandar even back in college when such stuff wasn’t ‘cool’ like it is now!

All writers dream of when they will be signing their books. It still feels surreal.

Grateful for friends who partake of and enjoy your success.


In other new, I spotted my book ‘Beyond Asanas‘ at Higginsbothams on MG Road and was quite kicked about it.  As usual I took a million pictures of it.


In the run-up to my book launch, RJ Grisha, a lovely lady based in Chicago reached out to me via my Facebook page to see if I would do an interview for her radio should called ‘Life Aaj Kal’.  It was great because I got a chance to analyse myself and introspect a bit.  After all, it’s when we come across major breakthroughs that we think most about the meaning of everything in our lives.  When I listen to the interview now I smile in spite of myself.  I sound excited and nervous, happy and cautious…a young girl on the brink of the greatest event in her life.   You can listen to the interview here on the RadioPaaniPoori site.

Yesterday (4th Aug) I was kicked about doing an event for a company called Floh.  My talk was about how yoga has helped me with my personal and professional life.  I spoke about how our relationship with ourselves pretty much determines our relationship with others.  Therefore, it’s imperative to work on that relationship.  When I became more conscious of how I treat myself, talk to myself and perceive myself, then miraculously, others also became conscious of it.

But the best part of Sunday is my weekly runs at the Ulsoor Lake.  Yesterday I clocked 5 km and followed it up with some stretching and hanging upside down.

Favorite thing on this planet – loads of time to practice, run, stretch and monkey around Ulsoor Lake.



The Yoga Practice

June 16, 2016

A system whereby you can practice yoga daily in the comfort of your own home through a combination of personalized videos and customized yoga plans crafted and created for you by an experienced yoga teacher.


With the increase in lifestyle related conditions and diseases, there is an increase in an interest in living a holistic and healthy life. However, time constraints, a lack of motivation, and inaccessibility to a good studio/trainer, contribute to most people not incorporating yoga into their daily routine.

This program is for those who want a good, experienced yoga teacher but don’t have access to one. At a very reasonable cost you get not only personalized attention but also the tools to enable you to practice yoga daily with a focus on constant improvement in your health and fitness levels.

The Offering

  • We will meet you in person and assess, analyse and understand your needs.

  • Based on this assessment a personalized video will be created for you.

  • During a fixed personal appointment, we will help you do the video the first time in person in order to clarify any doubts you may have regarding the alignment of the asanas and to ensure that you are comfortable with the sequence.

  • Weekly calls to touch base with you regarding your yoga routine will be scheduled. This will be a time for us to share our feedback/concerns/changes regarding the plan.

  • Bi-monthly Sunday meetings for a group exercise session and for you to practice your routine with me and to introduce any changes together.

This program is available to anyone living in Bangalore.

Monthly Program Components:

  • 2 f2f meetings

  • 2 individual appointments

  • 4 consultation calls (weekly)

  • Weekly group exercise sessions

  • Personalized video made for your routine and updated periodically.


To enrol in this program or to get more information about it drop a message here.