After a long and dusty ride, I’m finally back in Bangalore.
It was a wonderful 8 days at SVYASA. Yesterday I graduated to taking the vital statistics of a few patients and gave them health advice. I also corrected postures during the asana classes. During my free time I managed to study for the upcoming semester exams. So all in all I had a good time.
December is always an interesting month for me. Possibilities are in the air, there’s bonhomie, everyone wants to do something ‘before the year ends.’ For me it’s a time for lovely morning runs through the fog around the lake, cozy practice sessions in my living room, and meeting up with friends in warm cafes. I actually take out warm socks (yes even in Bangalore!) and spend hours catching up on reading. I make a point of reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ and watching it too! Many Decembers ago I read Nora Robert’s ‘In the Garden‘ Trilogy and my December felt divine.
More to come in the following days about how I’m ending the year. Bear with me, and do check-in every once in a while. Meanwhile, I leave you with a clip of a little bird that was trying to get into my hostel room at SVYASA. A friend told me it’s a barbet. Another told me it is attracted to it’s reflection on the mirror – it’s mating season and it wants to mate!

Trying to flirt with it’s own reflection! #birdbrain
