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RIMYI Experiences

A Chat with Mr. Pandurang

September 27, 2016



A few Iyengar Yoga publications


The other day I walked into the practice hall and saw Mr. Pandurang sitting on the stage and the Chinese students gathered around as the audience.  I found out that the Chinese students had requested him to give them a talk about his experience with yoga and the institute over the years.  Pandu’s talk was informative and interesting.  Here’s what I remember from it.

Pandu came with BKS Iyengar to look at the site for the institute in the early 70s.  By this time there were many Iyengar schools around the world and none in Pune.  Guruji used to travel all around the world conducting workshops, but there was no institute in India where he could teach.  The earliest students used to convene in Guruji’s house and practice in whatever space was available.

The decision to build the institute was also fraught with uncertainty.    The fear that no one would come to practice at the institute was in everyone’s mind throughout the construction process.  At one point Guruji told Pandu that if they were unable to use the building for yoga classes, then they could always rent it out as a wedding hall!

The weekend that the finishing touches were being made to the building, Guruji was in Bombay.  His wife had been ill for a long time and she got worse during that weekend.  She eventually ended up passing away and Pandu and everyone else at the institute weren’t sure of how to tell Guruji.  Finally Pandu called Guruji and told him to head back to Pune as his wife was very ill.  Guruji would later talk about how he had in inkling that there was something seriously wrong.  By the time BKS Iyengar came back to Pune, his wife had already expired.  They decided that they would name the institute after her.

The first students to come to the institute were from England.  Some of the 70 odd pomelo_20160924112514_save.jpgstudents brought along thick mats with them.  Those thick mats (sort of like workout/gym mats) were a novelty here in India and localites were very curious about the mats.  BKS Iyengar, being the innovative man he was, thought of different ways to use the mats.  His creativity and love for his subject was such that he was constantly thinking of how to make the poses better and more accessible.  That is how he came up with different ways to use ordinary objects such as chairs, blankets and blocks.  According to Pandu there are 250 ways to use the Setubandhasana box.  He also added that if he were conducting the teachers’ exam he would fail everyone because nowadays teachers aren’t as innovative as they used to once upon a time (referring to the fact that we don’t know the 250 different ways of using a prop).

The story of the sticky mats is pretty much the same.  This time it was a German student who brought  the mat.  In Europe they were using such mats under their carpets so that the carpets wouldn’t slip.  The student thought out of the box and brought it back to India.  Mr. Iyengar looked at the sticky mat and his little grey cells started working.



Mr. Iyengar’s many watches.  Useful when you need to do 20 minute Sirsasanas.

On the subject of modern teachers he said Guruji always said that you should only follow one teacher.  When he came across students who followed multiple teachers and schools he would say that you are not a lover, but a gatherer.  You are just going around gathering the knowledge of yoga.  There are many instances where people want to become yoga teachers without having practiced for any significant amount of time.  Pandu emphasized the importance of a teacher being fundamentally sound.  .Teachers with no personal practice and little experience may end up hurting students.  This would give a bad name to a discipline which was already infamous.  At the time Mr. Iyengar was teaching, yoga was looked upon with a bit of trepidation.  The vast majority of people thought that it was circus tricks at best or black magic at worse.  Changing people’s perceptions was an uphill task.  And teachers at the time had to ensure that yoga as a practice shouldn’t be vilified.


On the nature of Guruji’s practice and teaching Pandu said Guruji was a hard task master.  Students attending his class would be sore for a week afterwards.  And as for his own practice, though he had a large family; he would never make any excuses.  He practiced daily.  Early morning he did pranayama.  In the evening he would practice inversions.  Pandu emphasized the importance of a daily practice.  He said that those who don’t practice daily shouldn’t teach.  He also mentioned that he’s noticed that when teachers start to gain popularity, the first thing out the window is their personal practice.  All RIMYI teachers are regular with their own practice.  Remember that once you lose a pose, it’s a struggle to get back to it.  A Chinese girl in the audience asked how to balance teaching and learning if your livelihood depends on teaching yoga.  Pandu thought for a moment and said that he would always recommend teach less and practice more.  Give preference to your own practice.  That’s what Guruji did.



The secret behind the ubiquitous tilak.


In the early 50s (between 1953-1954) Guruji was asked to teach at NDA (National Defence Academy).  BKS Iyengar had to cycle for about 20 kms daily in order to get to class.  Because of that he developed hernia.  He treated hernia as his guru and allowed the condition to guide his practice in order to get rid of the condition.  I was interested in knowing a bit more about the NDA days and found out that classes are going on their even now.  When Guruji was no longer able to go he sent Pandu.  Eventually Pandu also passed on the responsibility.  Pandu remembers that the classes were for one and all, from the cadets to the officers.  I do wonder if anyone posted in NDA during those days would have any pictures from that time.



Playing catch is exhausting.

The oldest running class at the institute is the women’s class (these days conducted by Gulnaz Dashti).  Pandu was asked why was there a separate class for the women.  In those days, was it to separate the sexes?  Pandu replied that in Pune during those days women would be free only once the husband and the children had been packed off for the day and the housework was finished.  This was typically between 9 am – 12 noon.  So it was actually the women of Pune who requested that a special class be conducted for them, and that class continues to this day.


Your body is your guru.  However, don’t do asanas when you ‘feel like it’.  Sequencing is very important, else you will definitely experience problems.  When Pandu and Prashant were practicing under Guruji, the practice was different every day.  Tuesdays they would practice only forward bends.  They would practice the Janu Sirsasana for 40-50 minutes at a time.  Prashant and Pandu used to do all the forward bends in the sequence.  Pandu also advised us not to do only the sirsasana and end the class.  He said it’s important to do the Sarvangasana and Halasana.  Also practice the Setubandha Sarvangasana.  As far as be the body is concerned, there is a lot of bending in the circus.  Ballet also has a lot of flexible bodies.  But what happens in these disciplines is that the spine suffers.

Someone in the audience asked Pandu about the asana sequence that is described at the end of the books.  Pandu said that the books were written many years ago and that many things have changed since then.  Props have also changed.  The ideas expressed in the books are a product of those times, and as time passed, the practice, ideas and philosophies evolved.

Pandu then told us a story about yoga.  He said a long time ago when someone would fall sick they were told to take sanjeevani (a medicine).  Then one day all the sanjeevani in the world finished and people went to God to ask for more.  God told people that He couldn’t give them sanjeevani but he can give them yoga vidya. God told people that with yoga they will be able to maintain their health.  However, the yoga vidya went to the rishi munis.  And unfortunately, the rishi munis weren’t easily accessible to the common people.  That’s when yoga teachers came into existence.  They bridged the gap and brought the knowledge of yoga from the rishi munis to the common people.  This is the tradition that Krishnamacharya and his disciples are a part of.  For centuries they have de mystified an esoteric practice.  They have brought it to the masses, but; emphasises Pandu; they have done it properly.



Enquiries Into Yogic Philosophy

A Chat with Abhijata Sridhar

July 27, 2016

POMELO_20160723084413_save[1]Those following my Facebook updates would know that I attended my first Iyengar workshop last weekend.  I had been looking forward to the workshop all month.  Turns out, the workshop became special for me.    It was conducted by 3 senior Iyengar teachers.  It was held at Belur, BKS Iyengar’s birthplace.  Iyengar teachers are legendary for being strict and no nonsense.  So when, at the end of the first day I came up with the idea that maybe I could do my first ever interview for the blog with one of the most famous yoga teachers in the world, I didn’t think it would actually happen.  But it did!  And I was kicked.  Below is the interview.  At the end is the link to where you can hear it on YouTube.


PB: First of all Abhijata, thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview.  I know its on short notice but thank you so much.

AS: Welcome.

PB: So the first question I wanted to ask you is in your opinion what is the role of a guru.  In the modern context when the practitioners have changed and the practice has changed, and you know, lifestyles and I think times have changed so now what is the role of a guru in a student’s or in a seeker’s life?

AS: I think the word guru is used very..uh… easily these days…because so many people that we see I would say are teachers, instructors…I mean it starts off with you know being..instructing a class, conducting a class, teaching a class… A guru is not somebody who teaches you a subject, a guru is somebody who teaches you about living, a guru is somebody who teaches you life.  So, not everybody can get a guru, not anybody can become a guru (starts laughing).

PB: Hmmm..ok..alright..and do you agree that, you know they say that when a student is ready then the guru appears.  So and…I feel that is sort of taking away responsibility from a student, like y’know you just keep on doing your work and the guru will come on their own.  But do you feel for students today who are seeking something more from the practice, do you think they should go out and actively look for a guru or do you feel that they should just wait and when they are ready the guru will appear.


AS: Ah….I’ve been lucky to have had my guru (laughs again), so I don’t think it will be fair for me to answer this question because fortunately I was lucky enough to have been born in this family and to have been taught by him and by my uncle and aunt, Geetaji and Prashantji too and then Guruji became my guru.  So yes, in a sense you cannot make a guru, but yes a guru appears it is true in one sense, but at the same time you can’t expect someone who is teaching you a subject to be a teacher and then somebody just comes and  there the guru has appeared.  I think a teacher transforms to becoming a guru, a student transforms into becoming a shishya and it doesn’t happen so easily, it’s not so easy. (starts laughing)

PB: And so that’s another question I had for you, when did your grandfather, he was your grandfather and then what was the moment when he became your guru?  What was that transformational moment for you when you realized that ok this transformation has happened.  It’s like a paradigm shift which happens in your life.  So when did you realize that?

AS:  I don’t know.  Honestly I don’t know when he being my grandfather stopped and he becoming my guru emerged.  When I came to Pune I just wanted to see what this yoga was about.  I mean, why there are so many people from all over the world who come to my grandfather to learn…so let me see what this is all about, that’s how I started my learning in yoga.  And he was teaching me asanas, and somehow it just evolved into he teaching me …

PB: life?

AS: many other things (laughs).

PB:  And also, so you’re one of the more younger teachers in the world of yoga, so how do you feel your teaching has evolved from the time your grandfather was teaching, from the time his guru was teaching?  You know because people have also changed, so do you think your style of teaching has evolved with the times or is different from what the style of teaching of older teachers has been.

AS:  Ah…I have not seen the older generation know..8 years ago I don’t know how it was but I’ve heard stories.  I’ve heard stories of how my grandfather told his guru that he can’t do Hanumanasana.  And his guru: Why?  And my grandfather as a young boy when he told his guru that I cannot do the Hanumanasana because my langot is tight and his guru said just bring the scissors I’ll cut off your langot and you just do the Hanumansana.  It’s about doing the Hanumanasana (both begin to laugh), it’s not about your clothing.  So the gurus of those days I guess were like that (laughs).  So…uh…I have started teaching in this age, so I have seen people, moved around people of this generation so it must have evolved in this style.  But like I told you before, fortunately because I’ve seen them, I’ve seen Guruji, I’m still seeing my uncle and aunt, it is different.  Because being closer to the source…I guess makes a difference.

PB:  And what is a typical day in your life like?  You know, when do you wake up and when do you practice?

AS: (laughs) Now my daughter has started school (laughs some more), so its changed.  So I wake up, make her … pack her off to school and then my practice starts at nine.  Goes on til twelve in the afternoon.  And then I…two three days a week I also practice in the evening from four to six.  Other two days I teach.  My grandfather has said that if you are teaching a one hour class your practice that day has to be of three hours so…(both start laughing)

PB:  I see, I’ll keep that in mind. (laughs).  Your tips for yoga practitioners of the Iyengar tradition in terms of diet, practice and code of conduct.

AS:  Practice would come first.  Diet and code of conduct would follow.  Practice, practice with all your heart, practice with sincerity.  You know, often we cheat ourselves and we don’t know we are cheating ourselves I mean, if the going gets tough we want to go away from that.  We think this is my limit, this is all I can do, that’s how the human mind thinks.  And it’s very difficult to challenge that if you don’t have a good teacher.  I mean, Guruji was there telling me you are escaping, you are being lazy.  At that time I thought I was putting in my best and I thought I couldn’t do anything more than this but then he would say no this is nothing.  So he was there, to you know, push me through that.  And again, its not just about the quantity or the intensity but it’s one part of it.  The point is asanas teach you about your own thinking pattern.  You know, we so often want to escape, you so often want to do so much lesser than what we are truly capable of so fortunately if you have a good teacher who can identify the weakness in you and push you along then it’s good.  Otherwise you have to be really observant and critical of yourself, to see what you are doing.  And once your practice goes up like that, your diet will change on its own because you will realize that if you had a late lunch it’s not working well.  If you’ve had a heavy lunch it’s not working well.  If you’ve had spicy food it’s not working well.  So that will change on its own.

PB:  OK and would you like to make a comment on vegetarianism….in today’s context you know…when…

AS:  Ah..I’m a born vegetarian so I don’t know the other side of it.  But what I have seen my grandfather tell people is that you practice and you…

PB:  Yeah I read about that in ‘Light on Yoga’ also…And code of conduct?  I know it’s a very vast thing but as a practitioner is there anything you’d like to say?

AS:  Code of conduct is not needed just for a practitioner, code of conduct is needed to just be a good human being (starts laughing).

PB: Alright!  And tips for yoga teachers, um…wanna be yoga teachers of the Iyengar style of yoga.

AS: (laughs) The wanna be yoga teachers of the Iyengar style have to realize that a lot more has to be put in before you can become a teacher. (laughs)

PB:  Yeah…

AS:  because it’s very … I don’t know whether the demand is so much…of late so many people have developed this interest to become a teacher.  I don’t know whether it is because of the popularity, because of the media, because of the demand, whatever it is, but we shouldn’t compromise on the quality…so we shouldn’t hurry up to become teachers.  My uncle often tells in class that you do all your schooling, you go for your graduation, you go for your post graduation, you do another degree and then you teach kindergarten.  So you know you cannot learn for three years and then teach a one year old in yoga.  So you have to have your own abhyasa before you are ready to teach, before you are truly ready to teach…

PB:  OK, alright.  So that’s pretty much all the questions I have.  Thank you so much.

AS:  Thanks.



And here’s a link where you can listen to the interview: