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January 2015


Refreshing Summer Drink – A Recipe

January 19, 2015

And now for the recipe for what my sister calls lemonade and which I’ve been imbibing by the bucket loads for the past couple of days.  There’s nothing better than hydrating with a something healthy as well as delicious.  This drink tastes like summer in your mouth.  It’s healthy, easy to make and is a refreshing summer drink.  So here’s the recipe:


1.  Water (as many glasses as you want to drink)

2.  Sprigs of mint

3.  Ginger

4.  Loose tea

5.  Lemons (quantity depends on what kind of taste you want)


Summer Drink: The Recipe

Grate some ginger into the water and bring to boil.  Add the tea leaves.  Allow to boil until you’re happy with the aroma.  I prefer strong tea.  Allow to cool.  Squeeze some lemons into a jug.  Put the mint in the jug too.  Strain your tea into the jug.  Add ice if you prefer the drink really cold.  Pour into a nice glass.  Drink.  Share with your friends.

I know many people don’t drink enough water because they hate the taste of plain water, and this drink can be a game changer.  All the ingredients are pure and healthy and because you’re making it at home, you also get to do some quality control! After all, it’s important to stay hydrated!

Summer in a drink or a refreshing summer drink?

Summer in a drink or a refreshing summer drink?


Enquiries Into Yogic Philosophy

It’s Never Too Cold to Workout

January 14, 2015

This morning I woke up and instinctively curled into a tight ball under my blanket.  It was so so cold.  I checked the temperature and sure enough it was 15 deg with dense fog in Bangalore today.  I lingered under the covers for a while and finally had to get up for class.  And there was bleak attendance for today’s 8-9 am session.  The fact is, even though you may be 100% committed to your fitness goals, getting up in the AM and throwing the covers back to get up is not child’s play.  But small changes can lead to big results.  So here are a three things you can do to make it a bit easier to get out of bed in this chill.

1.  Plan what you’re going to wear the night before and have it out ready.  The path from your bed to your workout clothes must not have the obstacles of decisions and doors.  Preferably keep your clothes ready in the room where you change in.

2.  Make yourself a cup of really really strong coffee or tIMG_20130923_085420ea.  I prefer tea and these days I add loads and loads of ginger, black pepper, cardamom…and pretty much any other heating spice to it.  This not only warms you up from the inside but also wakes you up.  Remember, go easy on the sugar.  Also, you want to have enough so that you wake up, but not so much that you’re unable to move in yoga class!




3.  Being self-motivated is IMG_20150114_085733great.  But it’s easier to workout regularly in a group class.  So, join a group class, make friends with the others and motivate each other to brave the winters!



Enquiries Into Yogic Philosophy

How to: Keep Your Fitness Resolution

January 12, 2015

It’s the start of Week 2 of 2015.  Most people’s New Year’s resolutions comprise majorly of fitness resolutions.  People who bought state of the art running equipment last year want to run their first marathon this year.  Some others want to come down 10 dress sizes.  Lots of people hope that the new year will magically infuse them with the willpower to achieve their goals.  They hope that new year resolutions  are somehow different.

And most people who had fitness on their resolutions list may not even have started working on their goals.  Because most people who state ‘I will lose 10kgs in 2015’ spend more time visualizing clothes they want to wear and dreaming about the shrieks of admiration/jealousy emanating from their friends.  So lost are they in this visualization and dreaming activity, that they completely forget to plan how they are going to accomplish these feats.

And because there hasn’t been any proper plan in place the first week of the year may IMG_20141026_122003[1]have been a repetition of the first week of the last year for many people.  Dealing with the early morning getting ready for office frenzy.  Sleeping late after finally switching the TV off.  Coffee-fuelled days and restless nights.

The thing is, waking up early and going for a refreshing walk, having a wholesome breakfast, reading something interesting before falling into a blissful sleep isn’t really difficult.  Nor is it difficult to workout EVERY SINGLE DAY.  The difference between frazzled and flow-like-the-river days is just planning.  Yes.  So those who dream of losing 10 kgs can do so if they plan how they will go about doing it.  Is it really feasible for them to get up at the crack of dawn every day for an hour long intense workout?  Or would it be more practical to workout for three weekdays and then both days of the weekend.  Can you really follow through on your goals like no sugar, rice, coffee, chocolate etc, or would it be easier to cut out one thing first and then  move on to more.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a healthier, fitter, happier you will also need consistent effort over several weeks.IMG_20141231_160302[1]

However, I do come across many people who have a balanced approach.  There’s a girl whose been coming to class for a couple of months now.  When I asked her about her new year’s resolutions she said just fitness, which is just an extension of the way she’s currently living.  She eats well and tries to work out frequently.  She tries not to overdo things.  So the other day when she messaged me to tell me she won’t be able to make it to class I told her to relax.  However, she came to class and said she would try to follow along to the best of her ability.  She had pulled a muscle and wasn’t too sure about practicing that day.  But I saw her energy levels consistently increase during the session and there was peace and smiles during the savasana.  Later on  she messaged me to thank me for the session because post yoga she felt energized and the muscle she felt she had pulled felt more relaxed.

That’s when I realized why this woman was achieving the fitness goals she had set for herself.  She was achieving them because she was working on them a day at a time.  A yoga session at a time.  A meal at a time.  And consistently making the choices that would contribute to achieving the larger picture she has in mind.  That’s the key to success for fitness resolutions.  Keep the larger picture handy, but focus on the small steps.  This way you won’t be overwhelmed by the 10kg goal.

So when it comes to keeping fitness resolutions, sweating the small stuff yields the results you want.IMG_20141030_223059[1]